Breath as medicine programs

Yoga can be practiced by anyone who has a body and breathes. It is a whole system
of health that incorporates every aspect of living and can be applied in
any setting, whether that be a traditional class, a hospital or a corporation. All of the various programs of Yoga-Roots integrate Therese's studies in India with A.G. Mohan (student of Sri T. Krishnamacharya). All of her classes have one goal: to offer teachings that will help you calm the activities of your mind and emotions of your heart so that you can live in grounded steadiness, with compassionate engagement, active tranquility and in acceptance of yourself as you are inside this moment.


Breath As Medicine (BAM) includes a variety of courses that will deepen your practice and help you remember what yoga is and why you practice.


 A Lakota Elder was asking Breath one day, “Why should I follow you?” Breath answered, “Because my pathways will lead you to the one who loves you.”

The primary movement of your body and the most powerful force in your life is the quiet cycling of your breath, and yet few know much about this inner resource.

Consciously learning how to breath in movement and stillness, in agitation and joy can lower heart rate, alleviate stress, support sleep, expand your capacity for life-force, create health and serve as a bridge to your spiritual nature! And it is FREE!

Using simple yoga movement, lecture, and experience, we will explore:

  • Healing Your Breath: Opening constriction and coming into rhythm

  • Anatomy, Technology and Spirituality of breathing.

  • Breathing techniques that help energize, increase balance, alleviate anxiety, and enhance sleep.

  • How much life and light can you allow into the body?

  • How breath is your ‘bridge‘ to your spiritual nature.



What is going on inside you while you bend and twist? This 8 to 12 week series includes critical information that will help you get back to the roots of yoga and the origins of every asana. Materials from the Breath As Medicine course are also included. In India, the basic principles of yoga are taught to alllll students, not just teachers. These principles are the core, the root, the engine for all movement of mind and body. They are the ’teachers’ of your practice and are necessary for anyone beginning, teaching or continuing their journey with yoga. This course guarantees to deepen your experience of yoga and enrich your every breath. Topics included are:

Basic Principles:

  • Internal movements of mind and heart that help cultivate steadiness

  • Allowing all asanas to lead to the seated pose and the lotus mudra

  • How to practice properly aligning and unifying the mental, emotional and physical bodies

  • Making movement mindful from beginning to end

Breath As Medicine: The Anatomy, Technology, and Spirituality of Breathing (materials from the Breath As Medicine course included - see below)    

  • Experience how the breath mirrors the mind, how breath is the leader, teacher and container of all movement of body and mind and how breath is your most intimate companion

Foodless Nutrition: Practicing yoga includes the foods you eat and other forms of foodless nutrition that are essential.



This new program is a bi-monthly, small collaborative forum to continue to integrate and apply the knowledge and experience gained in the Breath As Medicine courses. It’s a unique opportunity to:

  • Review materials from Back To The Roots to aid deeper integration

  • Engage in collaborative learning that invites questions as well as providing a space for participants to share their knowledge and experience

  • Receive personalized feed-back to deepen your practice

  • Support teachers who want to apply these principles in their classes

  • Opportunity to apply to assist in BAM: Introduction classes


  • Class size limited to 6 people

  • Pre-requisites: Participated in Breath As Medicine: Back to the Roots at least twice (If you have not taken the pre-requisites and are interested, please call 302-388-8026.)



“All of the Breath As Medicine courses have introduced me to the teacher of all teachers, the healer of all healers and gift of all gifts- my own breath! I had no idea. Thank you, Therese.”  Mary K.

"Therese's teachings are unlike any I have experienced—she knows and teaches why we do what we do in yoga.  I didn’t even known that the why was missing in my practice and in everything I had learned and taught, until I started studying with Therese.  Now, every asana, mudra, every breath, every practice of yoga that we cover in class makes so much wonderful, practical sense! I can feel and follow the rightness of it in my body.  Her knowledge is both deep and vast, always practical and accessible, and never esoteric or pretentious. The personal transformation that we all feel is possible through yoga becomes inevitable with Therese's teachings." -Laura L.

"Extraordinary. Deeply moving. Life changing. These are some of the words students at The Art of Yoga Studio in Erie, Pa. used to describe Therese's classes. Do not miss the opportunity to share her practice and her wisdom." -Susan B. 

"This course should be required training for every yoga teacher and any sincere student of yoga. This is nothing like any class that I have taken in the US. While all yoga teachers tell you to breathe, Therese shows you how. Everything I do now is more mindful on and off the mat. Thank breath. Thank you Therese. I am a better teacher, parent, friend, wife and human being. Even my jogging has improved!"         -Jen P.

"Therese Jornlin is a wellspring of wisdom. She brings ancient teachings to life, infuses modern techniques and modalities with depth and breadth, and provides insights, experiences and practices that feed the body, mind and spirit. Her teaching is authentic, embodied, gentle, brave, selfless and expansive. She doesn’t just teach information and model practices; she transforms lives. I’ve taken many classes in my long life and I can say that Therese is the best teacher I‘ve ever encountered, that rare mix of being who simultaneously and seamlessly honors the individual, the collective, and the Divine." -Gale F.

"I have been practicing yoga and receiving Therese’s healing care for over ten years. My mind, body and soul are fuller, healthier and happier because of her.  I literally cannot imagine making it through the ups and downs of life without her by my side.  I joined her Women Awake Circle after my father passed away. The safe container not only facilitated profound learning, it also indirectly supported my grief and healing. Therese is a gifted teacher and I am honored to have her in my corner." -Karen G.

"An incredibly gifted woman, Therese has helped guide me to find more inner peace, self awareness, and truth. With her extensive knowledge and experience, she has also helped me to significantly improve my breathing, by "relearning" proper breathing techniques, which had been diminished from years of chronic asthma. What a joy to have such fulfilling breaths again....thank you for this wonderful gift." -Debbie S.


"Therese was my original yoga teacher. I’ve taken most of her classes and had several private sessions with her related to health and well-being. I feel so lucky to have started with her and cannot recommend her highly enough. I consider her my mentor in yoga even though I’ve received my certification and studied with many other teachers. She is an endless source of knowledge about modalities that promote health of body, mind and spirit. She’s a real inspiration to her students and clients." -Denise C., President of Carr Management Services

"Therese teaches to the part of the mind that is ready to receive. Her style is expansive, encompassing, fluid and as challenging as one wants it to be.She is the real deal!" -Mia M., Artist and Yoga teacher

"I have taken numerous classes with Therese over the years and have enjoyed them all. Her encouragement and enthusiasm opens the practice to all levels of ability. Although I am not the most ardent yoga student, the things I have learned have become a part of my regular my life and I am healthier and happier as a result of that."  Jon T., Lawyer

"Therese blends several yoga and moving meditation practices into a holistic, fluid, uplifting, and reasonable practice. Her classes are easily modified to be more gentle or more challenging, depending on the individual. The environment is non-judgmental and genuinely welcoming." -Regina A., Mother and Non-profit Executive